What is a group of parrots called?

Parrots mostly live in tropical and subtropical rainforests all around the world. There are 387 species of parrot identified to date. Parrots are popular birds for their striking plumage and vibrant colours. They are often seen flocking and feeding together, so we think “What is a group of parrots called?

what is a group of parrot called?

What is a group of parrot is called?

Simply the answer is a Pandemonium of parrots and general flocks. Scientifically speaking the group of parrots is just a flock.

What is Pandemonium?

Usually, a group of parrots are called a Pandemonium, a flock and a company of parrots. Groups of parrots are usually loud, busy, and a little bit crazy, especially younger ones. That’s why they might be called a “Pandemonium.”

How many parrots are in a flock?

Different species of parrot flock in different numbers. Budgies can flock as large as one hundred parrots, a flock of budgerigars is known as a ‘chatter’.

African grey parrots flocks of twenty to forty parrots. Cockatiels are highly social birds, they can live in flocks of up to a thousand and more.

Lovebirds are very similar, living in large groups to forage together and socialise with one another. Eclectus parrots live in smaller flocks or stay only in pairs.

They will flock to feeding sites during the day, and at night they can together in groups of up to a hundred. Macaws, larger birds, live in smaller flocks of ten to thirty parrots.

There was no particular name found for a group of parrots. It’s called only flocks.

budgerigar flying in flocks

Generally, parrots can make small flocks with only a few birds, or they can make really big flocks with hundreds or even bigger flocks up to thousands of birds.

The flocks of white cockatoos have thousands of birds in them. Some parrots make even smaller flocks, like the African Grey parrot, which stays in flocks of around 20 birds only.

How many parrots can I have together?

Are you thinking about putting them together, or increasing the numbers of your pet pandemonium?

It’s very important to think and plan accordingly before increasing the lot of birds at your place. Whether or not parrots stay together depends on the species of parrot.

Most parrots are social, they enjoyed each other company as well, and socialism is a part of parrot life.

In some situations, these birds may not like each other’s company unless they are mates. For instance, Cockatoos and macaws are types of birds that like to stay to be alone, if they are not in pairs, they can end up fighting with each other very harshly, sometimes till the death of one of them.

On the other side, budgies and cockatiels are social birds and enjoy the company of each other.

However, before you put them in a pair or flocks, there are a couple of important things you should consider.

Even smaller birds, if you put them together, they will need a lot of space. If they are sharing a room that is too small, they become more irritated with one another, and that could happen to a fight. If give them a lot of space they will feel more comfortable around each other.

Other terms for a group of parrots

As we can think, a pandemonium, flock and company of parrots describe it well.

Pair of parrots – When two parrots are together, it’s easy to understand that they can become very close to each other and spend most of their time as a pair.

The prattle of parrot – Prattle means talking in a silly or foolish way. when they chat with each other they create a sound like this.

Do parrots flock together in groups?

indian ringneck parrots eating in flocks

Parrots enjoy the company of each other, they are mostly folks in groups.

They do lots of activities together like searching for food, moving around in the wild, finding nesting sites and resting.

Most parrots are social, but there are a few that prefer to be alone, like the Kakapo bird in New Zealand.

Some parrots are friendly, while some will be protective of their space in the breeding season.

Some parakeets and Caiques also build nests together in small groups.

Some parrots stay with their world, while others mix with different parrots, like Amazon parrots, Conures, and Macaws

Why do parrots flock together?

Parrots like to stay in flocks because they live in warm places, and being in a flock helps them protect themselves from predators.

They also stay close to keep their body warm in the night. Parrots are nature-friendly social birds and enjoy chatting with each other, especially when there are in a flock.

Parrots are smart because their brains are bigger compared to their body ratio, Some of them like Grey parrots, can even understand human words.

They like each other company and spend lots of time, just like humans do. They like being together because it’s fun for them.

When do parrots flock together in groups?

Parrots like to stay in flocks all year. They don’t fly for long migrations like other birds do.

They don’t cover long distances when they move around because Parrots flock flying only to find food and a place to sleep.

Sometimes, we notice large, colourful groups of parrots like Macaws, parakeets, or lorikeets flying together in the sky.

Do parrot families stay together?

Parrot parents take good care of their chicks. Both male and female parrots work hard to raise their chicks.

Some parrot types, like big cockatoos and macaws, take a longer time over a year to raise their chicks. Once the chicks are grown up, they’ll likely join a flock of parrots nearby.

They’ll find a good partner and make their own spaces to live. Unlike some other smart and social birds like crows, parrot families usually don’t work together to raise their chicks. There are only about 20 parrots species that do that.

Do parrot families co-operate in raising chicks?

Unlike some other birds, parrot families generally do not co-operate in raising chicks.

Parrots are highly social nature birds, which might be surprising because they don’t usually help each other to raise their chicks.

During the breeding season, parrots can become more protective of territorial behaviour of their own space and do not like any parrot enter in their space.

Some parrots, like Green-rumped Parrotlets, Scarlet macaws, Green-winged macaws, Blue and Gold macaws, Hyacinth Macaws, and many other Amazon parrots, prefer to stay with their mate only when they’re having eggs or chicks in nest.

What is a pair of parrots called?

pair of lovebirds

There are no specific words for a pair of parrots, they are just referred to as a pair of parrots.

Parrots have many different ways of showing they love each.

Mating and breeding among parrots can be complex, but many parrots have simple ways of expressing affection.

Research on parrots reveals that they have unique and gentle methods of building strong bonds with their partners, and they enjoy sharing things together.

What is a group of baby parrots called?

A group of baby parrots is called a “clutch” or a “brood”.

group of baby parrots

When they are hatch from eggs they don’t have feathers and depend upon their parents for care.

They require constant care from their parents. In the wild, parrot parents work together to incubate eggs, feed chicks and raise them and also protect their young from predators.

Baby parrots stay in control of their parents for a period of time, while they’re growing up at young age, they can make some friends around them.

Sometimes, these friendships will last long for them, especially for Amazon parrots.


Are all parrot species sociable?

Parrots are generally social birds, but not all time ,Some species, like certain Amazon parrots, tend to stay away from flock while breeding.

Are parrots known for sharing with their mates?

Based on research and studies have suggested that parrots are justified and fair when it comes to sharing with their mates.

Do baby parrots make friends with other chicks

Yes,during their time under parental care, baby parrots do friendship with other nearby parrot chicks. Sometimes, these friendships can last long for them,especially for certain types of Amazon parrots.

How long do baby parrots stay with their parents?

Baby parrots usually stay in under control of their parents from two months to a year.

What is a group of parrot called?

Group of parrots is commonly referred to as a “flock.”

Closing remarks

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