Are Purple Hyacinth Macaw Real?

When we think of parrots, the image created in our minds is their beautiful vibrant plumage, which can differ from many species in the bird world.

In colour combinations of parrots, have you ever wondered whether there are pretty purple parrots on earth too? let’s check out.

are purple hyacinth macaw real?

Are there any Pretty Purple Parrot species in the world?

Many people believe in myths that there are no such species of pretty purple parrot that exists.

In the macaw’s world, different types of macaws are famous for their large sizes, vibrant plumage and various colourful feathers, but in all macaws, Purple macaws are complicated as there are colours different from any other macaws, and different types of names for this type of colour exist.

The actual colour of the purple hyacinth macaw does not directly look purple, but the genus and tones give this macaw its unique name purple hyacinth macaw.

Pretty Purple Parrot

A pretty purple parrot will definitely be a unique, wonderful and beautiful parrot! However, in reality, parrots are commonly found in a variety of vibrant colours, and there are no true full purple parrots and the ones that look a bit like them are hyacinths.

Physical Parameters of hyacinth macaw

  • Height: 35-40 inches
  • Weight: 3-4 pounds
  • Wingspan: 14-16 inches
  • Lifespan: 40-60 years
  • Diet: Granivores
  • Size: 40 inches

Are Purple Hyacinth Macaw Real?

The real truth is different from what we think, Hyacinth Macaw is called Purple Hyacinth Macaw.

Violet hyacinth macaws appear purple in colour in bright light sources, so they are mistaken for purple hyacinth macaws.

In fact, there is no evidence that the purple hyacinth macaw exists and has been seen or caught on camera.

The Hyacinth Macaw looks like a mixture of dark blue and dark violet, the colour changes slightly in different light sources and appears different from its appearance.

hyacinth macaw

Do purple hyacinth macaw exist?

Bird feathers have a pattern and are divided into small feather design that helps them look different in colour depending on how the light focuses on them.

This type of colour pattern is important for birds because it helps them hide from enemies, stay safe, and attract friends.

It looks like same as when we pass light through a prism and appear in rainbow colours.

So, some birds might seem purple sometimes, and other times they might look violet or blue When we talk about purple hyacinth macaws, looking at them definitely matches the description.

Where does hyacinth macaw originate from?

The hyacinth macaw lives in areas of central and eastern South America, including the Pantanal wetland region of Brazil, areas of eastern Bolivia and north-eastern Paraguay, the Cerrado region covering eastern parts of Brazil, and the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

The hyacinth macaw especially prefers to live in palm groves, forests, semi-open areas and humid forests. It can be found in the open areas of the Amazon rivers.

What do purple hyacinth macaws eat?

The Hyacinth Macaw eats fresh fruits, green vegetables, seeds, nuts and nuts from palm trees found in the forest; their beaks are strong enough to crack coconuts.

He breaks the coconut with his strong beak and drinks its water by turning it upside down which is unique in itself.

They require more carbohydrates than other parrots, so they should be fed fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, and nuts as pets.

How much does a purple hyacinth macaw cost?

The price of a macaw parrot varies depending on its characteristics.

Overall macaws’ price ranges between $500 to $#1000 depending on the colour, species, and size.

On the other hand, the hyacinth macaw costs around $1500 to $2000 due to its unique colour and mutation.

Are purple hyacinth macaw dangourios?

The answer is No, Hyacinth Macaw looks very scary because they are large in size and have a strong curved beak, Hyacinth Macaw is a gentle but huge bird.

Hyacinth macaws are very kind in nature. They are social, playful, easily trained birds and create an easy bond with their human caregivers.

Do purple hyacinth macaw bite?

Yes, they bite very nastily, so be careful, these large parrots have strong curved beaks, and they break a coconut with the help of their beaks, it’s typically the size of an average human thumb.

Are purple macaw friendly?

Yes, they are friendly and social birds, but it should train them from a young age because they are aggressive in nature and get excited in the presence of an unknown person or animal.

Provide them with different types of toys to avoid this type of situation, they will play with them, and should not attend to other things.

These parrots are very vocal in nature and keep shouting throughout the day, and their noise is heard for miles, they do this type of behaviour to attract your attention, and they will keep doing this thing until you talk to them.

Purple hyacinth macaw for sale

If any breeder offered a purple macaw for sale, it is either a hyacinth macaw or the person is hiding something from you. Remember that, there are no naturally occurring purple parrot species in the world.


What is a Purple Hyacinth Macaw?

The Hyacinth Macaw, mistakenly known as the Purple Hyacinth Macaw, has striking blue feathers, and its large size gives it the appearance of a majestic parrot.

How do they communicate?

Hyacinth macaws use very loud calls and vocalizations to communicate with their flock. Their harsh calls can be heard from a distance.

Why are hyacinth macaws blue, not purple?

Hyacinth macaws are naturally blue due to the presence of specific pigments in their feathers.

Can parrots change color, including turning purple?

Parrots cannot change their colour to the extent of becoming purple.

Why are there no naturally purple parrots?

The pigments responsible for parrot colouration are derived from carotenoids and melanins. These pigments generally don’t produce true purple hues in birds.


According to our observation, we have concluded that the hyacinth macaws are purple hyacinth macaws.

It has a dark blue colour or violet colour that may appear purple in some wavelengths, that is why they are sometimes called purple hyacinth macaws.

However, no proper evidence of a true purple macaw has been found to date. If any breeder offered a purple macaw for sale, it is either a hyacinth macaw or the person is hiding something from you.

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