Pineapple Green Cheek Conure 

Green Cheek Conures are popular parrots as a pet. They are found in various colours, and Pineapple green cheek conure is one of them. The Pineapple Green Cheek Conure is a colourful parrot but rare because the Pineapple Conure is a mutation of the Cinnamon and Yellow-sided Conure. We will discuss here the Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, so Keep Reading!

How to Look Pineapple Green Cheek Conure?

pineapple green cheek conure


Pineapple green cheek Conure is a mutation of the cinnamon and yellow-sided Conure. They have green colour plumage on the wings, a tan-coloured head, a light yellowish-green colour on the chest and bright red feathers on the belly. The tail feathers are the same as the belly.

Physical Parameters

The Pineapple Green Cheek Conure is small in size compared to other parrots. Green cheek cones grow up to 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm) tall. Their weight is between 2.5 – 3.5 oz (70 -100 gm ).

pineapple green cheek conure

How Long do Pineapple Conure Live?

Pineapple Conure Lifespan

Pineapple Conure can live up to 20-30 years in their natural habitat, and with proper care and diet programs, they can live up to 30-plus years as a pet.

What is the Natural Habitat of Pineapple Green Cheek Conure?

Pineapple Green Cheek Conures live in forests, savannas, and wooded parts of South American countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. These conures navigated in the wild in search of food. They are often seen in smaller flocks or pairs.

What is the natural diet of Pineapple Conure?

In the wild, they eat available food such as fruits, seeds, flowers, berries and nuts, and may occasionally eat insects for protein.

What Do Pineapple Green Cheek Conures Eat?

In captivity, following with balanced diet should provide them with high-quality parrot pellets with seeds, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Some of the food should be avoided giving them including high salt or sugar food, chocolate and caffeine.

How Intelligent Are Pineapple Conure?

Pineapple green cheek conures are intelligent birds but need human interaction if you teach them tricks, such as weaving, Turning around, and Shaking hands. They are good at climbers and acrobats so they always enjoy climbing in their cages.

Are Pineapple Conure Friendly?

Yes, they are friendly. Being playful and social birds, they often enjoy spending time with their owners. They can be disturbed sometimes, but compared to other birds, they are quiet. They are fast learners and easy-to-train birds, but they are not talkative.

Are Pineapple Conure loud?

Pineapple Conures are not too loud. Pineapple Conures are known as quiet parrots, but they make little irritating noise. They become noisy sometimes and may have some problems with the owner.

Can Pineapple Conure Learn to Talk?

Pineapple Conures can talk, but not as well as big parrots do. Pineapple conures are not good talkers, but they know how to mimic sounds. They can learn a few words but not develop a large vocabulary like other parrots have. Green conures only mimic or talk on command. They don’t know situation-based words like other parrots do. They can easily mimic sounds like whistling, crybaby, traffic sounds, other bird tunes, etc.

Are Pineapple Conure good pets?

The Pineapple Conure is a good pet because it has a playful and charming personality. They are quiet, so peace lovers can make them a pet. If you are a Beginner and do not know how to deal with them, Then you have to ignore them as a pet.
If you know how to deal with it, it’s become a good pet for the family. If you like birds but are disturbed by sound, then this conure is the best choice as a pet for you.

How much does Pineapple Conure cost?

At reputable breeding centres, Pineapple Green chicks will cost you $400 to $750.

What is the Price of Pineapple Conure?

Before you purchase pineapple conure, it’s necessary to check you’re getting your pineapple conure from a reputable and responsible breeder.
You have to check the history, health condition, age, sex and mutation before purchasing.The price of $400 to $750 is the one-time buy price of a bird. It is not one time now you have to purchase other things for them such as a cage, accessories, toys, and food.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Pineapple Conure?

Pineapple conures are available for sale at breeding centres and pet stores, where you can buy from them. You can also get green cheek conure for free or cheaper from people who don’t want to afford it anymore, or on shelter house is another option.

Are Pineapple Conure Cuddy?

Pineapple green cheek conures are Cuddly birds. They are affectionate with their owners and form strong bonds with them. They love to spend time with them and become cuddly.

What health problems can Pineapple Conure have?

ChlamydiosisCoughing, Appetite loss, Conjunctivitis, Fluffed feathers, Beak discharge, Lime droppings, Difficulty in moving or flying.
PolyomavirusBreathing difficulties, Loss of appetite, Lethargy, Swollen abdomen, Weight loss, Regurgitation, Vomiting, and Sudden death.
Psittacine Beak and Feather DiseaseSecondary infections, Beak and claw deformities, Sudden death, Yellow contour feathers on green parrots.
PsittacosisWeakness, Reduced vocalization, Discharge from eyes and beak, Weight loss, Swollen, watery or crusty eyes, Yellow or green droppings, Reduced appetite, Depression.
Beak Malocclusionbeak align problem
AspergillosisLethargy and listlessness, Breathing difficulties, Tail-bobbing, Fluffed feathers.
Pineapple Conure health problems

Are pineapple conures bite?

Pineapple green cheek conures have a habit of biting like other types of conure. The following is the reason why pineapple conures bite. Young and un-socialised, shifted to a new environment or rehomed, angry-tempered and left alone.


What is a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure?

Pineapple green cheek Conure is a mutation of Cinnamon and Yellow-sided Conure.

What is the difference between a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure and a regular Green Cheek Conure?

The main difference is their appearance. Pineapple Green Cheeks look like a pineapple fruit, while regular Green Cheek Conures have more uniform green plumage.

Are Pineapple Green Cheek Conures good with children and other pets?

Pineapple Conures are social birds, If given good training at an early age, then they become good birds, and they do good behaviour with children and other birds too.


Pineapple conure is a good choice as a pet. If you are a bird lover, then you have to include pineapple conure in your checklist, they are playful and very social birds, and you can love them as a pet. We hope you liked our article, if you have any suggestions then please write to us, thank you.

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