Parrot Sounds and Noises – What do Vocalizations Mean?

Parrots make different types of sounds to express their emotions. It is only through the sound of parrots that we come to know about their needs. While some sounds are worrying and disturbing, other sounds are sweet, happy and satisfying.

Parrots do not make similar calls and some species have different vocalizations. Since parrots do not speak any language, they tell with their voices what is right and what is wrong for them.

What Do Different Parrot Sounds Mean?

Here are the different parrot vocalizations:

VocalizationSound Meaning
ChirpingChirping signifies happiness, contentment, and relaxation.
SquawkingSquawking signifies danger, so they seek to get attention.
WhistlingParrots whistle to show happiness and get their owners’ attention.
ScreechingParrots screech when afraid or in danger.Hissing Hissing occurs when a parrot feels angry, threatened, or defensive.
ChatteringParrots chatter to communicate with flock members. It’s a vocalization that signifies happiness and is used to gain attention.
Beak clickingParrots make clicking noises when defending their space, territory, or mates.
SqueakingSqueaking occurs when a parrot is startled or has a tracheal or syringeal disease.
Beak grindingBeak grinding Beak grinding is a self-soothing motion that helps birds settle down or sleep.
GrowlingGrowling signifies anger and annoyance. It’s a warning to stay away.
Tongue clickingTongue clicking is a happy sound that parrots make when contented or excited.
HissingHissing occurs when a parrot feels angry, threatened, or defensive.
PurringContented parrots purr, like when sharing affection with owners.
CryingCrying signifies grief, fear, sadness, loneliness, and pain.

Why Do Parrots Chirp?

Parrots chirp when they are happy, which symbolizes their satisfaction and peace. Parrots chirp if you play music or do something that makes them happy.

If you hear a parrot chirping, its mood becomes more excited. Chirp is a fun thing for them that keeps them mentally stimulated However, parrots chirp to warn their flock of danger.

If you have several parrots, you may hear them calling to each other when there is danger nearby. It is common, for example, for predatory pets (such as cats) to inspect their cage.

Parrot species have a variety of chirping patterns, so their sounds vary greatly. However, the consensus is that chirps are universally associated with their positive connotations.

Why Do Parrots Squawk?

Cockatoos are parrots that have a tendency to Squawk, they do this to get attention and get what they want. Squawking loudly also indicates fear and danger.

If a parrot sees another predatory animal, it will Squawk to alert other birds. When parrots live in cages, they feel trapped and unsafe.

The problem is that parrots have very poor night vision. Night terrors may arise due to:

  • Insects are buzzing around the cage.
  • Animals are around
  • Family members keep strolling here and there at night.
  • Sudden lights and flashes.
  • Road traffic.
  • Unexplained shadows

Why Do Parrots Whistle?

Many species of parrots make melodious whistling sounds, which sound like songs and are pleasant to listen to. Whistling is a common thing in bird species.

Most parrots learn to whistle without any formal training. Whistling is one of the most common happy sounds of parrots as they never whistle when they are angry or sad.

Parrots often whistle to get their owners’ attention, so you’ll usually find a parrot whistling as a friendly greeting as you pass them by.

You can teach them to imitate whistling by blowing the whistle. Whistle several times a day until he starts imitating you.

Why Does My Parrot Squeak?

Not all parrots Squeak and it is relatively uncommon for this to happen. Some parrots Squeak when suddenly startled or touched, while many other parrots never Squeak.

This is usually a pleasant noise, but it depends on the personality of the bird. Unfortunately, squeaking may indicate tracheal or syringeal disease.

The syrinx is the vocal organ of parrots located at the base of the trachea. When the parrot is affected by the syrinx, the parrot’s vocalizations change and start making high-pitched screaming, high-pitched clicking sounds.

This usually happens with each of their breaths. When a parrot starts having trouble breathing due to illness, it may take several days or weeks to recover from the illness.

When they have trouble breathing the following symptoms include:

  • Increase in movement of sternum.
  • Open-mouthed breathing.
  • Rapid breathing

Why does my parrot make crying sounds?

Parrots always react with their sounds and show emotions through their sounds, such as happiness or sadness.

Even though parrots’ eyes have tear ducts, they do not shed tears. instead, they express their distress through sounds similar to human crying. Parrots scream for these reasons:

  • Fear and anxiety.
  • Loneliness
  • Living in poor conditions.
  • Illness, disease, or injury.

Why Do Parrots Purr?

Not all parrots make Purr sounds, but those that do make such sounds when they feel comfortable in the presence of their owners and want to connect with them.

Observe your parrot’s behaviour closely to determine what sounds it is making. If the parrot is happy you will see the following signs:

  • Blushing
  • Relaxed body posture.
  • Preening themselves or others.
  • Bowed head.
  • Flat or slightly raised crest
  • Wing or tail flapping.

Why Do Parrots Screech?

Screeching is an unpleasant sound, so you should reduce this noise.

Parrots screech when scared because:

  • Arrival of a guest or new member in the family.
  • Seeing cats and dogs passing nearby.
  • Loud and unclear sounds.
  • Lack of sleep.

To stop your parrot from screeching, remove anything that causes stress to the parrot. This may include following things:

  • Place the cage in a quiet place.
  • Cover the cage with a cloth at night to block out light.
  • Reduce or turn off the volume of TV and radio.
  • Keep other pets in separate rooms.
  • Provide bored parrots with new toys.

Why Do Parrots Hiss?

Parrots hiss only when they feel threatened or stressed. Things that can cause hissing include:

  • Being bullied by caged mates.
  • Having predatory pets around.
  • Presence of unfamiliar or unwanted objects in the cage.
  • When not in the mood.
  • To be in pain or be sick.

Why Do Birds Click Their Tongue?

Parrots make clicking sounds with their tongues when they are happy or excited, it’s happening with their Tongue Anatomy And Function. This sound is like a human clicking his tongue.

Cockatoos and cockatiels make this type of sound, but not all parrots make such sounds. Clicking is a way to get a parrot’s attention.

If a parrot wants to be held and petted, it will make a soft clicking sound with its tongue to get your attention.

Why Does My Parrot Growl?

Parrots growl to warn you to stay away or stop your actions. If you move you may be bitten.

If you put too much pressure on your parrot, he will become more irritable and aggressive. Signs that accompany growling include:

  • Flapping wings.
  • Raised feathers, especially on the neck.
  • Eye pinning.
  • Low, stooped posture.

Why Is My Parrot Making Clicking Noises?

Beak rattling is the condition in which a parrot rapidly rattles the upper and lower parts of its beak together as a threat.

When parrots make clicking sounds, they are defending their territory, territory, or mates.

When disturbed, parrots make clicking sounds, which express their anger, frustration and fear.

When this happens, their eyes close with a click, giving the parrot a chance to focus more on the area in front of their vision.

Parrot Sounds and Noises


Why Do Parrots Grind Their Beaks?

Parrots scratch their beaks to remove food debris and clean their feathers. Some parrots do this by moving their heads back and forth.

Why Do Parrots Chatter?

Soft chatter is a sign of contentment and is how some parrots learn to talk. Loud chattering occurs when parrots want to remind their owners that they are nearby and want attention.

Why Do Parrots Imitate Humans?

Parrots can imitate the words of humans or at least listen to what they say. When parrots copy words, they do not know their meaning but by repeating the same words again and again, they remember them and start mimicking them.


Parrots are intelligent birds, they have a range of sounds and are able to produce a repertoire of noises. The different vocalizations reveal the parrot’s inner mood and happiness level.

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