How long do parrots live?

If you have been thinking of adopting a parrot for a long time, or you have recently bought one, and you are realising what an important moment it is in your life and that you can no longer live without it.

And now you might be wondering, how long will I enjoy the company of my beloved pet parrot?And how long do parrots live?

Well, barring terminal illness, accidents, predators, and other factors, your parrot may live for several generations.

Of course, the lifespan of a parrot depends on many different factors, which we are going to enlighten you about in this article today.

In this article, we are going to look at the different species of parrots and their lifespan, whether when kept as pets or when they live in the wild. There are about 380 species of parrots but not all of them are kept as a pet.

In this article we will only estimate the lifespan of those parrot species that are most commonly kept as pets.Apart from this, we would also like to know about the factors that affect the lifespan of parrots.

Parrots life in the wild

All types of parrot species are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and most of them live in the wild.

Pet parrots get food and other facilities from time to time, this is rare for wild parrots, they have to struggle for food and their safety, hence the lifespan of wild parrots is not as long as pet parrots.

Many parrots in the wild die before they reach the reproductive stage and some of them live only for ten years.

The reason for this is very clear – life in the jungle is much more difficult than life in captivity.

While parrots kept as pet birds are fed from time to time in cages, in the wild they have to search for food, which is not easy for them.

Even while searching for food; They have to be very careful of predators, they have to do this without attracting their attention.

The biggest predators for parrots are not only birds or animals, they are also threatened by humans.

The bird you are currently raising was probably caught in the wild and brought to you as a pet.

How do you tell the age of your parrot?

It is very important to find out the age of the parrot you want to buy to keep.

You never want to buy a parrot that is already at the end of its life.

The best way to determine age is to ask for records of the bird’s age from the previous owner or breeder.

Alternatively, there is another way, you can find out how old a parrot might be by examining the bands on his feet.

By examining its eyes it can be determined whether the parrot is young or old.

Completely black eyes mean the bird is still quite young.

On the other hand, the pupils of adult parrots’ eyes are usually surrounded by a yellow line, which is their iris.

Apart from this, there are many other characteristics such as the tail of young parrots which is short and the beak is black in color.

However, if the parrot is an albino species then it will be difficult to tell its age because the colour of its eyes never changes with age.

Physical activity levels can also be used to determine whether a parrot is too young or too old.

Young parrots will be more active and aggressive than older parrots.

While compared to young parrots, old birds also lose the shine and colour of their feathers.

Parrot Species
Lifespan in Captivity Lifespan in the Wild
LovebirdsTypically they can live for about 20 years as a petIn the wild, they can survive for 10 years or even 15 years
White CockatooThe white cockatoo is small in size but can live 40 to 60 years as a pet.This species can survive for 30 years in the wild.
LorikeetsThe brightly coloured lorikeet can live up to 30 years in a cage.In the wild, they can live for about 15 years due to their small stature which makes them easy prey.
Budgerigar If properly cared for, these small birds can live up to 20 years in captivity.Budgerigar can live on average only 7 to 14 years in the wild.
Green-Cheek ConureUnfortunately, parrots of this species are susceptible to certain diseases, yet they can live up to 25 years in captivity.Things are tough in the forest and they can only survive for about 10 years.
ParrotletsIf you take proper care of them, Parrotlets can live with you for 20 years or more.Due to their small size, parrots can only live for about 15 years in the wild.
Sun ConureThe sun conure is generally brightly colored and has yellow and orange feathers. They can live up to 30 years as pets.In the wild, the sun conure can live for about 15 to 20 years.
CockatielThis species of parrot can survive for 20 years in captivityThey can only live for 10 to 14 years in the wild.
QuakerSometimes this parrot is also called monk. If properly cared for in captivity it can live over 30 yearsThis species can survive only for 15 years in the wild.
Senegal ParrotWith proper care, the Senegalese parrot can live up to 50 yearsIn the wild, this species can only live up to 30 years.
Eclectus ParrotThese parrots can live an average of 30 years or more as pets if you take good care of themEclectus parrots can only live for 15 years in the wild
African GreysAnother common type of parrot is the African Grey. They are known to live a long, satisfying life, which can be up to 80 years. they are also very rareThey can live up to 50 years in the wild, which is still longer than other parrot species.
Kakapo ParrotTo date, the Kakapo parrot is the longest-lived parrot, living for over 100 years as a pet.In the wild, this parrot can still live longer than all other parrot species as they can live up to 90 years
CaiqueThese colorful birds can live for 20 to 30 years as pets.
But their bright color doesn’t help in the wild as they can only live for 15 years.
Green-Winged MacawThe Green Winged Macaw is also one of the most common species of pet parrots. It can live for more than 70 years at home.In the wild, the Green Winged Macaw can live up to 30 years
Hyacinth MacawThese types of parrots are usually smart and very friendly and can live up to 60 years or even longer as petsIn the wild, the hyacinth macaw can live up to 50 years. There is not much difference in lifespan between living in the wild and living in captivity.
White-Crested MacawThe White-crested Macaw is incredibly large. These parrots can live for an average of 50 years in captivityWhite-crested macaws appear to live longer in the wild than in captivity, as they have been found to live up to 60 years in the wild.
Blue and Yellow MacawsIt is also a large bird and the most common pet parrot. According to this, blue and yellow macaws can live up to 60 years.Due to poachers and destruction of their natural habitats in the forests, these parrots can only live for 30 years
Meyer’s ParrotOne of the rarest parrot breeds, the Meyer’s Parrot can live up to 35 years as a petThey can survive for 10 to 15 years in the wild.
CockatoosCockatoos are one of the most common species of parrots. They can live up to 60 years as a petThey can live up to 30 years in the wild, which is still a long life.
List of parrots lifespan

Why do parrots live this long?

As you can see in the table above, parrots are probably the pet birds that can live longer than you.

But what is its secret? Let’s find it.

One of the main reasons for this is his flight.

When they fly in the air, they spread their wings and this provides exercise to their body, which helps them survive longer.

The second reason is that because parrots are adept at flying, they have relatively fewer predators wandering around them compared to other wild animals.

And when they are in captivity there are almost no predators roaming around them.

Parrots reach sexual maturity in their lives due to their long survival, and by reproducing at this stage they avoid passing on any genetic deficiencies to their offspring that would reduce their life expectancy.

Last but not least, birds have lower levels of oxidative damage, which combats corruption in their DNA. This also reduces the number of diseases in their lifetime.

What is the link between the size and lifespan of a parrot?

Parrots have different sizes depending on the species.

There are small and quite large parrots that can grow up to 3.3 feet.

Parrots live for a long time, but as their age increases, diseases start affecting the bodies of these birds.

The most common health problems in older parrots include:


This condition is common in older parrots and usually causes their legs to become weak to such an extent that they are unable to hold their perch firmly.

Tumors and lumps

You will need to check any unusual lumps regularly to identify the presence of any possible cancer.


If you notice your parrot bumping into objects in his cage around your home, his eyesight is getting worse.

Parrots’ vision gradually decreases with age. You should get it checked by an avian veterinarian.

Factors that affect the lifespan of parrots

Many things affect the lifespan of a parrot.

Below are some of them.


While buying a parrot, always keep in mind that you should check the birthplace of the parrot you are buying, where it lived earlier etc.

Taking a history will make it easier to determine whether the bird was raised.


If you think that the smaller the parrot is, the longer it will live, then your thinking is wrong.

Larger-sized parrots live longer than smaller-sized parrots.

For example, a budgie can only live for 15 years while an Amazon parrot can live for almost 80 years!


Parrots are very social birds and in the wild, they prefer to live in large groups and captivity with their owners.

For this reason, they can easily become bored when forced to be alone for long periods.

The result is that they can easily fall ill and even die.

Therefore, for their entertainment, toys should be kept in their cage with which they can entertain themselves.


Wondering how a cage can contribute to a parrot’s health?

If you keep parrots in a small cage, they often remain unhappy and become ill.

So if you want your parrot to live a long life then make sure that you buy a big cage for it in which it can move easily.


There is limited availability of food which makes it difficult for parrots to live a long life in the wild.

Parrots need to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and fit, and so a diet of seeds alone is not sufficient to live a long life.

A balanced diet for parrots should include seeds, fruits, vegetables, and parrot pallets.

The more varied food your parrot eats, the healthier it will be, allowing it to live a longer life.


Illness can happen to anyone, but most parrot illnesses are not serious and once you take your bird to the vet for treatment, he or she will recover quickly.

To keep your parrot healthy and free from diseases, you should get its health checked regularly.

Additionally, parrots can also catch human diseases like flu and cold, so it is essential to stay away from them when you are going through poor health.

You should take proper care of your parrot which includes a proper diet, a clean cage, regular checkups and plenty of attention, this is what can help your parrot live a long and healthy life.

The main thing is that your parrot is happy at all times, and this includes almost everything from good food, entertainment and health.

What can I do to increase the lifespan of a parrot?

There are many things you can do to increase the lifespan of your parrot. You can do this by doing the things given below

Diet and Nutrition

If you give nutritious food to your parrot, he will remain healthy and fit.

But if you feed your parrot only a seed-based diet, they will become deficient in vitamins A, and D, as well as calcium.

Therefore, you should feed your bird a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits.

Companionship and interaction

As we all know parrots are social birds and they like to interact with other birds or people often.

Because of this, they can easily become bored if left alone for too long and lack things to play with.

An easy solution to this problem is to buy a set of toys and keep them in a cage, or you can even adopt another bird to provide them with companionship.

And you should also take time out and stop occasionally to play with your parrot.

Full-spectrum lighting

The quality of light emitted from indoor lights is not the same as natural light found in the wild.

Without full spectrum lighting, your parrot may succumb to several health conditions over time, reducing its lifespan.

Proper cage

Keeping parrots in a large cage keeps their physical and mental health good.

Therefore, you should get the right size cage in which he can live comfortably and play in the cage.


The main reason parrots live long lives is that they fly a lot, which is a kind of exercise for their bodies.

But when you lock your parrot in a cage, it will almost stop flying.

You should keep the parrot in a large cage and place proper straps and perches inside the cage so that your bird can jump and climb around in the cage.

Apart from this, sometimes take your parrot out of the cage so that it can fly in your house or the open.

Regular health checkups

You should get your parrot’s health checked from time to time so that it can be protected from any minor diseases and any major and serious diseases can be prevented before they occur.


Are there specific health issues that can affect a parrot’s lifespan?

Health problems that parrots often suffer from include respiratory problems, nutritional deficiencies, and behavioural problems. But when regular veterinary checkups are done and they are provided with a good and clean environment, it can help in getting rid of this problem.

Can parrots outlive their owners?

Yes, some larger species of parrots have the ability to live longer.

Do all parrot species have similar lifespans?

No, different species of parrots have different lifespans.

How can I ensure a long and healthy life for my pet parrot?

Include a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and high-quality pellets in their diet. Regular veterinary care, mental stimulation through toys and interaction, and a clean environment are important for parrot care.


When you bring a parrot home as a pet bird, it feels like you are adding another member to the family.

It will probably live as long as you or longer than you.

So you have to make sure that you make some contingency plans for their future in case of any eventuality.

It would be wise to insure your parrot so that your bird can be taken care of in the future as your parrot lives a long life.

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