Does parakeet need a Companion?

Does parakeet need a Companion? If yes, then when you bring another bird? If you feel that your parrot is lonely and needs a companion, it is better to get a companion parrot for them.

Parakeets do better in pairs. Some parakeets do better with more than two parakeets. So yes, parakeets need a friend.

does parakeet need a companion?

Do parakeets need a friend? 

Generally, parakeets feel better with a friend, so finding a companion for your parakeet is a better option.

While keeping a parakeet alone puts its life at risk of loneliness and isolation.

Parrots are highly social birds and they like to establish relationships with other birds.

If you want to do something good for your pet bird then this article will provide all types of information related to your questions.

Can Parakeet live alone?

There are many reasons why you might not want to get another parakeet.

You think like you cannot take care of another person.

Perhaps you want more affection from your bird. When staying alone, your parakeet will assume you as part of the flock and Show off more affectionate behaviour towards you.

Single parakeets are friendlier behaviour towards humans.

If they have no companion available, then they will make more physical contact with humans and they would like to be with you more and more.

Single parakeets are also easiest to train, If you have only one parakeet then you can provide your all-time for training them.

If you want to socialize with your parakeet and teach it tricks and words, then you can consider buying one parakeet at a time.

If you have a busy schedule then provide them a Companion to prevent your pet from becoming too lonely.

Are Parakeet better alone or in pairs?

alone budgerigar

Many people believe in things that parakeets should be kept in pairs otherwise that is the worst lonely experience.

Parakeets are much happier in pairs because they need a bring them a companion for them or become yourself as their companion.

It will require lots of time to spend with them on a daily basis.

If you don’t have a enough time for them paired up with a companion bird,Having a second bird will provide a valuable social time with each other.

Parakeet need a lot of exercise to stay playful, active,vibrant and healthy keeping them in pairs will make it easier to play together.

However, there’s been some debate about whether keeping them as pairs creates more socialism or conflicts.

Benefits of keeping parakeet in pairs

It could be beneficial when you don’t have enough time to spend with your parakeet due to work or family commitments, owning more than one bird can be beneficial.

pair of budgerigars

Keep in each other company

Two birds are a better choice than one, especially when you don’t have time for Parakeet.

Parakeets enjoy each other’s company and entertain themselves without becoming bored with their own world.

Two birds are fun to watch, whenever they play or fight with each other, it’s more entertaining to watch them.

Your parakeets will serenade, play and enjoy with each other.

They will be more energetic

Budgerigar or Parakeets need a lot of exercise to maintain their fitness, keeping them in pairs will be more beneficial, and they can feel more energetic.

Two parakeets fly around a room and watch how much fun they have together.

For their emotional well being

When they are kept in pairs, they will not suffer from the anxiety of separation and various psychological disorders like feather plucking.

What role does gender play

Keeping Female parakeets together

Female parakeets are always Selfish, haughty, and sometimes aggressive.

In Parakeets, females are the dominating gender over males.

If you put two females in a cage, they will get into conflicts and squabble.

Fight between two female parakeets becomes worse and more physical and could potentially hurt each other.

If you are not home to supervise them, it will become worse and peaceless.

If you have two female parakeets, keep them in separate cages to avoid fight.

Keeping male parakeets together

Males are not aggressive and dominating gender, so keeping two males together is a great option.

Male parakeets are generally fine to share one cage.

If you already have a male parakeet, you can put another one in the same cage.

You should be sure that the cage is big enough for both males comfortable.

No one can prove whether they will enjoy each other’s company or not.

keeping female and male parakeets together

When you put a male and female parakeet together in the same cage, provide them with a large cage with lots of space.

Male and female pairings can be positive, but conflicts may occur in some cases.

Males and females do not squabble over territory, but when females can reject the male if she doesn’t like the male as a good mate.

When this happens, the female may attack the male and make every effort to keep him away.

That’s why keep them in a large cage, male parakeets will need a place to escape or hide.

If males and females like the company of each other, then they will become good friends or fall in love, and make a possible mate.

They can make a happy family for the rest of their lives but be prepared for their chicks.

How Should You Set Up Your Cage For A Pair Of Parakeets? 

The minimum size of cage for a pair of parakeets would be 18″ width x 18″ length x height 24″, it’s enough for them because they are small parrots.

Here are some recommended cage sizes:

  • Minimum size for 1 parakeet : 18″x18″x18″
  • Minimum size for 2 parakeets: 18″x18 X24″″

How to Introduce a new bird to a parakeet?

If you introduce a new parakeet to the old one, it means that the existing bird has someone who can interact with them.

However, the existing birds need time to know their new cagemate, so allow them to know each other before putting them in the same cage.

It will take a long time even a week, so be prepared.

budgerigar introduction trick

What is best way to introduce two birds?

Once you bring new birds first do these steps

Step 1: Quarantine your new bird around 20-30 days.keep your new one in separate cages and rooms.

Step 2: Place their cages next to each other for 10-15 days.

Step 3: Keep them together in a big cage for 10 to 15 days.

Always lookout : When this thing doesn’t work out, separate them immediately, This can be because the existing/newcomer parakeet may not accept a friend.

Can you keep parakeet with other birds?

Parakeets are social and playful birds, not having any issues with other birds, they can live peacefully with their kind of birds, but they cannot pair with those birds who can harm them.

If any parakeet is living with a large bird, they may become scared or bullied.

If you have a large cage, parakeets will adjust quite well with zebra finches, canaries or doves.

If you have a big cage or birdhouse, you can keep parakeets, doves and quails together.

However, if you have a smaller cage, you should avoid mixing parakeets with other birds.

Choosing a friend of a different breed or bird

You must not think or worry about choosing another parakeet as your second bird.

Parakeets are adjustable with other small birds as cockatiels, doves, lovebirds, and finches.

It is necessary to do some research before keeping them together.

budgerigar with other bird

Can parakeet die of loneliness

A happy parakeet spends the day playing sports and having fun.

When your parakeet has no one to play with them, they become lonely.

You have to attention if your parakeet is quiet and inactive throughout the day.

If they aren’t suffering from illnesses or diseases, then this type of behaviour could be a sign of loneliness which causes them to the death.

If your bird feels lonely then you should spend some time with them or find a companion for them.


Do parakeets need companions?

Parakeets are social birds and enjoy the company of their kind of birds. Having a partner can provide both with social contact, mental stimulation, and a sense of security.However, some parakeets can also form strong bonds with their owner and it does not necessarily need them as feathered friends.

Can I keep a single parakeet?

Yes, you can keep a single parakeet, but you have to give enough time to them to prevent loneliness and boredom.

What are the benefits of having two parakeets?

Having two parakeets prevents loneliness, and the bird with the opposite gender creates love factors between the two.

How do I know if my parakeet is lonely?

Signs of loneliness in parakeets may include increased vocalizations, excessive preening, lethargy, and changes in eating habits.

Can I pair a new parakeet with my existing one?

Introducing a new parakeet to an existing one requires planning and observation. first quarantine the new bird for a few days to ensure it’s healthy before introducing them. Introducing them at a neutral location may help them prevent their territorial disputes.


Now, that you know why parakeets need a companion of the same species, then time to decide give them a companion or not, if yes, then provide them with an opposite-gender parakeet.

Parakeet owners can provide their birds companionship by buying other parakeets and choosing whether they want male or female.

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