15 Different Types of Green Parrots

Some of the most popular green parrots include budgerigar, lovebirds, quaker, Conures, Eclectus, military macaw etc.

There are most popular parrots are kept as a pet, they are in the wild as well. In this article ” 15 different types of green parrots” including wild and pet parrots. we think about parrots, the image that appears in mind comes is green parrots.

Of course, a parrot can be more than green in colour and it’s rare to find a green-coloured parrot. In parrot species, there are multi-colour parrots, but green colour dominated other colours, parrots are many different types which are mostly green with additional colour onto their plumage.

Different Types of Green Parrots

What is green parrot called?

A green parrot is commonly referred to as a “green parrot. there are specific species of green parrots, such as the military macaw or the green-cheeked conure.

What are the most popular green parrot to keep as pet?

The most common green parrots include budgerigars, lovebirds, Quakers, conures, eclectus, military macaws, etc.

Parrots are most popularly kept as pets, but they are also found in the wild.“15 Different Types of Green Parrots” In this article we will cover both wild and domesticated parrots.

Top 15 Green Parrots to Keep as Pets

Top 5 Small Green Parrots


green budgerigars

Budgerigar Known as a parakeet or Budgies (in short).The most well-known green parrot is the budgerigar.

They are not pure green but the primary colour of these tiny birds is green.

Mutations are blue, grey, white and yellow. budgie is one of the most recommended parrots to keep as a pet bird because they are small in size and don’t require mass space if kept Parakeet with a companion.

Physical Characteristics

Green chest, black-yellow wings, dark blue tail, yellow face.

Color mutation – yellow, blue, grey, white.

Budgies are native to Australia, they are small in size up to 6-8 inches, weigh up to 1 oz and they can live up to 7-15 years.

Love birds

pair of green lovebirds

Each lovebird has displayed different colours but green is dominated colour on them.

These are the smallest parrot species, which makes them great as a pet, lovebirds have short tail feathers, lovebirds are mostly green in colour, orange on the upper body and head, and black on the wings end.

Lovebird makes a close bond with their partners, so it’s advisable to purchase them in pairs, don’t worry about lovebirds’ price, they are cheaper than other.

Physical Characteristics

Short tail, many colours variety including Green, blue, peach, yellow, and white.

Lovebirds are native to Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, they are 5-7 inches long, weigh up to 2 oz and can live up to 15 years.

Pacific Parrotlets

green pacific parrotlets

Most Pacific parrotlets are bright green with short tails.

Male parrotlets have bright blue feathers on their wings and behind their eyes.

The Pacific parrotlet is the smallest parrot in the all-around globe that’s given the nickname “pocket parrot”.

Because of their small size, they don’t need a lot of space as a pet, but they need a lot of attention as a pet.

They are vibrant in colour, have charming personalites and endearing size, they can mimic the sound,and are social in nature.

Physical Characteristics

Pacific Parrotlets are native to Central and South America, these parrots are small in size 4.5-5.5 inches, and 1-1.1oz in weight, their average lifespan is 15-20 years.

Little Lorikeet

green little lorikeet

Little lorikeets are mostly green colour parrots with a striking red colour on the face and cheek called the mask.

Little lorikeet has yellow feathers on their shoulders, the back of the neck and toward the tail.

Colour of the feathers is bright and bold.

Little lorikeets (also called red-faced and tiny lorikeets) have several subspecies including the rainbow lorikeet, black winged lory, cardinal lory and olive-headed lorikeet.

Physical Characteristics

Little lorikeets are native to South eastern Australian forests and woodland areas. they are small to-sized birds sized 6-6.5 inches, weight up to 1.4 to 1.8 ounces and live up to 15-20 years.

Senegal Parrot

senegal parrot

Senegal parrots have green chests and wings with grey heads around its face.

They also have an orange or yellow v-shaped patch on their Belly.

Senegal parrot is the most known parrot species in the world, they are much calm and relatively quiet yet fun-loving and clever parrots, this quality makes them an excellent choice as pets, these parrots are very friendly and vocal, but they have poor talking ability.

These small size parrots do not need too much space as a pet.

Physical Characteristics

Senegal parrots are native to Senegal (Western African region), They’re also commonly found in Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Benin, and the Ivory Coast.

They are small size birds, sized up to 9.1 inches, weigh 4.2 to 6 ounces and can live up to 25-30 years.

Top 5 Medium sized “Green Parrots”

Quaker (Monk Parakeet)

green quaker or monk parakeet

The Quaker parrot also known as a MonkParakeet, gets its name because of the grey section on the front of its neck.

Adult Quakers are bright green colour on their head, wings, and back, their breast, cheeks, and throat are grey, and blue feathers are at the end of their wings.

If you are looking for a small-medium-sized parrot, then the Quaker parrot is the best choice for pets, but first, you have to check the Quaker Parrot price and the rules and regulations of keeping Quaker as a pet.

Quaker parrots are well known for their word coping ability, these birds can pick up many words and become quite vocal.

Physical Characteristics

Quaker parrots are native to South American countries from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay including California and Hawaii.

They are small-medium size up to 11-12 inches and weigh up to 3.2-5.3 oz, lifespan of them 20-30 years.

Maroon-Belied Conures

maroon belied conures

Maroon-bellied Conure’s dominant color is green, with dark green on their wings while their belly is maroon or reddish-brown in colour, which is where they get their name from.

There’s a grey feather on the below eye area. These species are not known for talking species but they are very noisy indeed, you may hear their noise for miles.

Physical Characteristics

Maroon belied Conures are native to the north-eastern South American continent and Mexican region including Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Sun conures are small-medium in size up to 10-12 inches, weight up to 3.4-5.3 oz and lifespan of up to 15-25 years.

Short-Tailed Parrots

short tailed parrots

Short-tailed parrots have uniform bright green feathers and short tails which is where they get their name from.

Their feathers are bright green on its body and darker on their wings.

Short-tailed parrots are noisy small birds. Their sound like “kree-ki-ki,” which is repeated at a high pitch.

Physical Characteristics

They are native to the Amazon River in Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and French Guiana.

They prefer most of the humid forest areas, river islands, and borders.

Their size is 9 to 9.5 inches long and Weight between 2.5 to 5.3 ounces and their lifespan is up to 15-30 years.

Eclectus (Male)

pair of eclectus male and female

Male Eclectus are striking green parrots.

The Eclectus is the colour difference between males and female, which means they’re sexually dimorphic parrot species.

Females are mostly bright red on wings with blue chests and tails.

On the other hand, males are emerald green in colour with blue and red colour under the wings and orange beak.

Physical Characteristics

Eclectus are medium in size up to 17-20 inches, weight up to 13-19 oz and they can live up to 25-30 years.

They are native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and north-eastern Australia.

Australian Ringneck Parrot

australian ringneck parrot

Australian Ringneck Parrots, also known as Twenty-eight Parrots or Port Lincoln Parrots.

Australian ringneck parrots are almost entirely green with a thick yellow ring around the neck.

The green colour varies among individuals and subspecies, There are 4 subspecies with varying yellow, red, and turquoise plumage.

These colourful features make them popular and attractive parrots.

Physical Characteristics

They dislike tropical and highland areas. They’re mostly found in pairs or small groups in Australia, preferring open woodlands.

They’re medium-sized 11 inches long and weight between 4 to 5 ounces and they can live up to 15 to 20 years.

Top 5 Lage green parrots

Military Macaw

military macaw

Military macaws have lime green plumage covering most of their body, bright red on their forehead, blue wings feathers, and reds and yellows in their tail feather.

It has a white facial patch around eyes an kid a black beak.

Military macaws are intelligent birds, military macaws can learn tricks and commands with proper training, military macaw are capable of mimic human speech and sounds but not like other Parrot species.

Physical Characteristics

Military macaws are native to the tropical rainforest of Central and South America,including countries like eastern Mexico, western Colombia, Ecuador and northern Venezuela.

Military macaws are medium to large sized macaws, average size is 26-32 inches, weight between 2.0-2.9 pounds (0.9-1.3 kilogram), and they can live up to 30-35 years.

Buffon’s Macaw (Great Green Macaw)

buffon's macaw or great green macaw

Buffon’s Macaw or Great green macaws looks like military macaws.

Both birds are primarily green, but the main difference is great green macaws have lime-green feathers.

There are many different types of macaws in the wild, all have different types of colours and characters, but Great green macaws are among them.

They also have a red forehead and light blue feathers around the lower back and upper tail. Buffon’s macaw is also known as a great green macaw.

Buffon’s macaws are highly social parrots, they interact with their owners with family members.

They communicate with them with calls, screeches and vocalizations. buffon’s macaws like bathing to keep their feathers clean.

Physical Characteristics

Buffon’s macaws are native to forests of Central and South American rainforests, woodlands and savannas of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.

Buffon’s macaw is one of the largest-sized macaws, its average size is 33-36 inches. weight between 2-2.6 pounds (0.90-1.2 kilogram)and live up to 30-50 years.

Amazon Parrots

green amazon parrot

Amazon Parrots are the largest and most recognised green parrots.

Amazon parrots are a highly social species,these parrots are the favourite of pet lovers due to their exceptional ability to talk and mimic sound that they can hear repeatedly and they express themselves.

There are many species including the Blue frontend Amazon, yellow-naped Amazon,and Double yellow-headed Amazon.

Physical Characteristics

Amazon green parrots has green body, yellow head, red at the wing bend, tan beak, white ring around the eyes.

They are native to South America, Mexico, and different parts of the caribbean islands.

They are large sized about 12-14 inches, weigh around 8-10 oz and lifespan upto 50-65 years.

Indian Ringneck Parakeet

indian ringneck parakeet

Indian ringneck parakeets are commonly pastel green. these green parrots can not recommend for beginners.

They are intelligent but require lots of mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy.

Indian ringneck parakeets have a vibrant green plumage with a narrow black and rose ring around their necks in male parakeets only, hence the name “Ringneck.” Females have a less or absent neck ring.

Physical Characteristics

Vibrant green plumage, narrow black and rose rings around their necks (in males). Blue tail, yellow underwings.

Indian Ringneck Parakeets are native to India and Sri Lanka to parts of Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

They are medium-sized about 14-17 inch, weigh around 4 oz and lifespan of around upto 20-30 years.

Red Fronted Macaw

red  fronted macaw

The red-fronted macaw has red forehead and the red colour which is extended to the eye area which coz gives it the name red-fronted macaw.

Their body is mainly green with little red on the front of the wings and blue on the bottom of the wings and a long tail with a mix of green and blue.

They can interact with their owners with head bobbing, preening, and vocalizations.

Red-fronted macaw has a Sunbathing behaviour,they spread their wings to absorb sunlight.

Physical Characteristics

Red-fronted macaws are native to South America’s limited range of northern Bolivia’s lowland and foothill regions.

Red-fronted macaw is medium-sized macaws, the average size is 21-24 inches, weight between 10-16 oz (0.30-0.45 kilogram) they can live up to 30-35 years.

What is the price of green parrots?

If you want a green parrot as pet, you’re probably wondering how much they cost.

Here the list of price of some popular parrots.

Parrot SpeciesPrice
Budgerigar$10 – $35
Lovebird$40 – $130
Indian Ringneck Parakeet$400 – $700
Amazon Parrot$1,000 – $3,000
Great Green Macaw$3,000 – $4,000

What is the Lifespan of green parrots?

Smaller parrots have a shorter lifespan, whereas large parrots can live for 60 years.

What is the Green parrots eat?

Green parrots eat fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables if a pet provides them Some common foods include apples, bananas, carrots, almonds, high quality parrot pellets, sunflower seeds and fresh water.


What are green parrots?

Green parrots are a group of birds with bright green feathers and curved beaks.

Are there different types of green parrots?

Yes, there are various types of green parrots with different sizes, shapes, and patterns on their feathers.

Are green parrots smart?

Yes, green parrots are intelligent birds, they can mimic sounds and human speech.

How can I keep my green parrot happy and healthy?

To keep your green parrot happy and healthy, ensure they have plenty of toys, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Also, maintain a clean and safe living space for them.


Green parrots are a species of birds with bright green plumage.

They are different types of sizes and shapes with patterns. These parrots are intelligent and they can mimic sounds and human speech.

People love having them as pets because of their mimicking ability.

It’s important to take care of them and understand their needs to keep them happy and healthy.

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