Can Parrots Eat Tomatoes?

Can parrots eat tomatoes?  Every parrot owner often wants to know about this, so here, we will provide accurate information to help you clear any confusion you may have.

Can Parrots Eat Tomatoes? (Answered)

can parrots eat tomatoes?

If you have a pet parrot, you must have often noticed that whenever you eat some food in front of them, they show interest in food and want you to share that food with them.

It happens because the parrot considers you a member of its flock.

Many pet parrot owners feed parrot pellets to their pet parrots as supplementary food, but artificial food doesn’t fulfil the needs of their daily requirement for nutrition; that is why parrots should be given some natural food as well so that their entire life remains healthy.

Parrots eat various types of food, including seeds, nuts, vegetables and seasonal fruits found in the wild.

It is impossible to provide them the same type of food in captivity as in the wild, because that type of food is not available in a residential area, or We do not have complete information about this.

Even a parrot can forget what it used to eat in the jungle because it has been in captivity for many generations.

Parrots eat tomatoes easily when offer them,but the first time they get confused about tomato, you can try with a sample of tomato.

Are Tomatoes Good for Parrots?

If you are thinking of including a tomato in their daily diet, it is a great thing because parrots eat tomatoes, Ripe tomatoes are a safe food option for parrots.

However, you should not give them to eat the leaves or stems of the plant.

Tomatoes are composed of water and carbohydrates (sugar foam),so provide them only occasionally to eat.

The peel and seeds of ripe tomatoes are safe for parrots, but provide them only ripe and properly washed tomatoes to eat.

ripe tomatoes

Tomatoes are acidic in nature; they have health benefits for these reasons:


Tomato is a treasure of Antioxidants, it contains lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants.

The redder tomatoes’ skin has a lycopene which protects against degenerative diseases.

Zeaxanthin and lutein are beneficial for parrots’ eyesight which protects them in cataract conditions.

Antioxidants are beneficial in their overall health, also make their plumage more vivid and beautiful.

Vitamin K

  • Vitamin K helps in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in bones.
  • Vitamin K is beneficial for bone health and strengthen eggshell.
  • Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, which prevents excessive bleeding.


Homocysteine is a type of amino acid that breaks the protein; folate balances the level of homocysteine.

Parrots require folate to create uric acid; it’s a waste product of protein metabolism. Tomatoes contain 4 – 30 μg of folate in 100.

Folate definitely cause these symptoms following

  • Impaired cell division.
  • Under-development of the reproductive tract.
  • Anemia.
  • Weakened immune system.

Vitamin C

Birds can produce vitamin C through the liver from glucose, so its non-essential for them. Tomato contains a rich source of vitamin C Similar to orange which is beneficial for them.

  • Immune system booster.
  • Control on blood pressure and maintain it’s lower.
  • Reduce cholesterol.
  • Healing accidental wounds.
  • Preventing in kidney deasease.
  • Control on blood sugar.


Tomatoes are also a good source of potassium (50 tomato contains 118 mg of potassium.) Potassium benefits maintaining parrot’s cells, tissues, and vital organs.

It also beneficial for the following:

  • Build strong bones
  • Smooth functioning of the digestive system.
  • Reducing heart disease and stroke.
  • Controls muscle contraction.
  • Regulates fluid balance and nerve signals.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Lowers stress level.

Can Parrots Eat Raw Tomatoes?

raw tomatos

Tomato is acidic in nature, it contains 10 different types of acids such as citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid etc.

A row tomato has a pH level of between 4.3 to 4.9. Parrots can instinctively understand ripeness in food, they’ll normally reject raw tomatoes. Due to higher levels of acidic pH avoid it to serve.

Can Parrots Eat Cherry Tomatoes?

cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are small and sweeter in taste, it’s a healthy food for parrots.

Raw cherry tomatoes are also acidic, so serve them only ripe cherry tomatoes.

Can Parrots Eat Canned Tomatoes?

During the canning process, tomatoes have mixed acids to prevent them from becoming mouldy inside the can. Home-made canned tomatoes require lemon juice or citric acid to be added to the jar to keep them fresh.

Tomatoes become more acidic by adding acid in this way, so feeding canned tomatoes to parrots should be avoided.

Can Parrots Eat Tomato Sauce?

tomato sauce

Ketchup or sauce adds highly refined sugar, which can lead to weight gain and obesity; so avoid serving it.

Can Parrots Eat Sun-Dried Tomatoes?

drayed tomato

Sun-dried tomatoes are the safest option for parrots to eat. During the drying process, most of the acid is neutralized and becomes safe to eat.

They also become sweeter in taste, and parrots love this type of food, it’s also safer than market products.


Can tomatoes be harmful to parrots in any way?

Solanine is a natural chemical. Tomato leaves stems, and raw tomatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to parrots. Eating too many tomatoes can cause digestive problems or stomach upset.

How should I prepare tomatoes for my parrot?

Wash the tomato thoroughly to remove pesticides or contaminants. Cut the tomato into small pieces, remove the seeds and serve them to eat.

What are the benefits of feeding tomatoes to parrots?

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C, which can contribute to your parrot’s overall health, but tomatoes are not a necessarily part parrot’s diet.


Tomatoes are a safe and healthy option of nutrition food for the parrot diet as an occasional fruit, but provide them to eat only ripe and washed tomatoes.

However, the leaves of tomatoes are not safe food for them, so keep them out of reach to parrots.

Healthy option Nutrition allows them to eat only ripe and washed tomatoes. However, the leaves of tomatoes are not safe food for them, so keep them out of reach of parrots.

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