Can Parrots eat Chocolate? (Explained)

Our parrots love to get involved in everything we do (especially when we eat!), but can parrots eat chocolate? For more info keep reading..

can parrots eat chocolate?

Can Parrots eat Chocolate? The answer is no, simple. Giving chocolate to parrots should be avoided at all costs as it can cause great harm to their digestive system.The best option is to keep chocolate away from them.

Why is chocolate toxic to parrot?

Parrots are different types of birds that cannot eat chocolate, even many animals should not eat chocolate due to the amount of chemical and sugar content added.

Chocolate can cause weakness, helplessness, illness, paralysis or death in parrots because their immune system isn’t strong enough to fight these toxic elements.

Caffeine and Theobromine

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine. These two chemicals are very harmful to most animals.

Humans can metabolize theobromine and caffeine efficiently, but parrots cannot digest these.

Even though parrots enjoy a range of foods, there are certain things they should never consume, and chocolate is one of them.

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, these elements are harmful to parrots.

Avoid giving chocolate to parrots as it can seriously harm essential organs like the liver, digestive system, and nervous system.

Dark chocolate – The slow poison

dark chocolate

The main toxic element found in chocolate is Theobromine.

A natural element called theobromine is found in cocoa beans, cocoa beans are used to make all types of chocolate.

Theobromine and caffeine are found in chocolate, this element is harmful to the health of parrots.

Too little amount of dark chocolate is like poisoning a parrot.

If you insist on sharing chocolate with your parrot, choose milk or white chocolate as they are safer choices.

While milk or white chocolate contains sugar, refined sugar is less bad for parrots as are caffeine and theobromine.

What can happen if my parrot eats chocolate?

Death by chocolate is a real treat if consume by a parrot. small amounts of chocolate can be deadly to our feathered pet.

Symptoms may vary from parrot to parrot and may depend upon how much chocolate was consumed.

What are the symptoms of a parrot that consumed chocolate?

Possible Symptoms caused by eating chocolate

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Polydipsia (constant thirst) 
  • Polyuria (urinating frequently)  
  • Bird suffers seizures, muscle tremors and loss of balance 
  • Lethargy – bird seems dull
  • Breathing difficulty or irregular breathing
  • Feather plucking and pulling out feathers, especially around the face and head
  • Appetite loss/go on a fast

What to do if your parrot eats chocolate?

If your parrot has eaten chocolate, you should seek medical attention immediately.

The smallest peace of chocolate can be deadly for parrots, so you should take them to a vete centre for further treatment.

If your parrot has consumed chocolate, do not wait for symptoms to arise before seeking medical attention, as possible as go to the vet centre.

Small pieces of chocolate can be fatal for parrots’ digestion immediately after eating, leading to instant vomiting or diarrhoea.

If not treated with Immediate effect the central nervous system can be attacked within hours symptoms including seizures or death.

How will a veternination treat chocolate toxicity?

Treatment for chocolate poisoning in parrots depends on several factors including the amount of chocolate consumed, the time of ingestion, and the severity of the symptoms observed.

vet doctor with african grey parrot

What is the Parrot’s Natural Diet?

Parrots eat both meat and plants because they are omnivores.

When they are in the wild, their main diet is plant based.

Parrots main foods are seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and insects.

However, they are omnivores and occasionally enjoy eating insects.

What can you do to prevent chocolate toxicity?

Avoid eating chocolate around your parrot. Keep the chocolate as far away from your parrot as possible.

Do not leave chocolate wrappers with chocolate stuck to it, pieces of chocolate or anything that has chocolate mixed in it.

Always wash your hands after eating chocolate or chocolate-related products. especially when you’re going to your parrot soon after.


Can parrots eat chocolate?

No, chocolate should not be given to parrots. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine and these substances are poisonous to parrots. Therefore, the best option is to keep chocolate away from them.

What happens if a parrot eats chocolate?

If a parrot consumes chocolate, it can experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, seizures, and even death.

Are there different types of chocolate that are safer for parrots?

No,any type of chocolate is not safer for parrots to consume. All forms of chocolate like dark, milk, or white, contain theobromine and caffeine, which are harmful to parrots.

What should I do if my parrot accidentally eats chocolate?

If your parrot eats chocolate, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. They will provide first aid guidance for your parrot.

What are some signs of chocolate poisoning in parrots?

Signs of chocolate poisoning in parrots may include vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased heart rate, tremors, seizures, and difficulty breathing.

Can a small amount of chocolate harm a parrot?

Yes, even a small amount of chocolate can be harmful.

Is carob a safe alternative to chocolate for parrots?

Carob is considered a safer alternative to chocolate for some animals, it’s important to note that it still contains natural sugars and should be given to parrots in moderation.

How can I prevent my parrot from eating chocolate?

To prevent your parrot from consuming chocolate, keep all chocolate products out of their reach.


Remember that a suitable diet plan is the most important factor to keep your parrot happy and healthy.

Provide them with healthy food and do not give them the kind of foods that troubles pets’ health, treat them like family members.

Chocolate is not suitable for them, Always remember that fruits and vegetables are better treats than candies.

Keep an eye on your bird’s food while they’re eating and drinking.

If your parrot ate chocolate, call the veterinarian immediately to prevent any harm.

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