Can Parrots Eat Cheese?

As soon as we eat cheese, we often think, can parrots eat cheese? And if so, what kind of cheese can they eat?

Parrots love the taste of cheese. If a parrot smells cheese, it may let you know by chirping that he wants to eat it. However, consumption of cheese (cooked or raw) should be limited.

Can Parrots Eat Cheese?

can parrots eat cheese?

The answer is both yes and no.

However, parrots can eat cheese in moderation, but they shouldn’t eat it in large quantities.While cheese isn’t toxic to parrots, it’s not healthy either. When a parrot eats too much cheese, stomach pain and other digestive-related issues can be evaluated.

Why is cheese so bad for parrots?

Cheese contains a high value of lactose. Lactose is a sugar found in milk, which is also found in dairy cheese.

Humans can digest lactose, but parrots cannot, and the effects are worse because their bodies do not produce the enzymes needed to break down the sugar.

Parrots are birds, and birds do not drink milk, like humans or animals that drink their mother’s milk when they are young, so they do not need that enzyme.

And when too much sugar accumulates in the stomach to be digested, it results in severe stomach pain, and sometimes even diarrhoea.

Another reason why parrots should avoid cheese is because it contains bacteria. Most cheeses go through a process called fermentation, during this process the cheese can contain bacteria, which can be extremely dangerous for parrots.

Parrots that eat this bacteria along with cheese can have many different digestive problems, including diarrhoea and stomach pain.

Additionally, cheese contains a lot of fat and sodium, both of which can be harmful to parrots in large amounts.

Does cheese hold any nutritional benefits for parrots?

Although we don’t recommend feeding cheese to parrots, it may provide some nutritional benefits.


Calcium is essential for bone strength, muscle regulation and nerve transmission. Without enough calcium, parrots may experience the following:

  • Poor egg shell formation.
  • Hypocalcemia.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Plucking feathers.
  • Heart deasease.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Muscle pain and contraction.


Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which allow the growth and repair of cells and tissues.

Cheese contains all 9 essential amino acids. it’s a complete protein source.

Protein is necessary for growth and development and helps to prevent fatty liver disease.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for eye health, healthy skin, feather and bone development, and healthy secretory glands.

Parrots without enough vitamin A experience more severe respiratory and sinus infections, scaly, flaky feet, and thick blood.

Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system, kidney health, and brain.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for brain and nervous system functioning. If a parrot is deficient in vitamin B12, it may suffer from anaemia and become anaemic.

Many pet parrots are Vitamin B12 deficient because their owners feed them only a seed diet, leading to deficient Vitamin B12 levels.

Therefore, it is important to include a small amount of cheese in the parrot’s diet, which adds Vitamin B12 to the parrot’s diet.

Vitamin K

Parrots need vitamin K for bone health and egg shells. Without this, the mortality rate of hatching eggs increases.

Vitamin K also promotes the process of blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency leads to excessive bleeding that does not stop, even if the cut or small injury.

If parrots are chronically deficient in vitamin K they may experience internal bleeding.


Paneer contains zinc, phosphorus and riboflavin as Minerals.


  • Improves feather quality
  • molting and bone development.
  • Zinc helps produce insulin.
  • allows vitamin A to function properly.


  • Essential for tissue growth,maintenance and repair.
  • Phosphorus deficiency can cause anemia, loss of appetite, coordination problems, and muscle weakness.


  • Supports energy production
  • Required for formation of red blood cells, as well as growth and reproduction

Can Parrots Eat Cottage Cheese?

cottage cheese

Yes, the absence of lactose in cottage cheese makes it a better option than other cheeses, but after all, it is a dairy product, so it should be given only in small quantities.

Can Parrots Eat Mozzarella Cheese?

mozzarella cheese

Mozzarella cheese contains lactose and it isn’t safe for parrots which can cause digestive problems and lead to malnutrition.

Can Parrots Eat Cheddar Cheese?

cheddar cheese

Yes, cheddar cheese doesn’t contain lactose, so it’s a better option than other cheese to consume, but due to dairy products, it should be consumed in small quantities.

Can Parrots Eat Swiss Cheese?

swiss cheese

Swiss cheese contains less amount of fat and salt than other cheeses. It is also rich in vitamin A and calcium, which makes Swiss cheese healthier cheese.


Is it safe to feed cheese to my parrot?

No, cheese is unsafe food for parrots because it contains lactose, fat and salt.Lactose is un digestive, where fat and salt cause health problems.

Are there any types of cheese that are safe for parrots?

No, all types of cheese are harmful to parrot’s health. Even light cheeses can be harmful due to their fat and salt content.

What should I feed my parrot instead of cheese?

Parrots should be fed a nutritious diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and parrot pallets. These types of foods provide the nutrition they need for their healthy life.

Can my Parrot have cheese made from Coconut oil?

No, coconut oil cheese is made from processed, and processed foods are not safe for parrots. Processed foods may contain potentially toxic ingredients during processing.

Can parrots have garlic and onion cheeses?

No, parrots should not be fed anything containing garlic or onion as these contain garlic and onion products which can be poisonous for parrots.


Cheese is rich in vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for parrot health, but parrots cannot digest cheese properly because their body doesn’t produce the enzyme lactase to digest lactose.

Parrots can eat cheeses but only in very small quantities. Most cheeses contain fat and salt, that can be harmful to parrots and should be avoided. It’s okay to give them a small bite-sized cheese piece, but don’t include it in your daily meal.

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