10 Best Parrots For Beginners

In this particular article, we will discuss about the best parrots for beginners.The best pet parrots for beginners are those that are relatively easy to care for and do not require a lot of care or maintenance.

Owning a parrot can be an incredibly wonderful experience, but you must learn some important information about them before bringing them home.

Some parrots are not suitable for beginners, in fact there is no such thing as a beginner parrot.

All types of parrots can be difficult to keep, while some may be easier to keep than others.

Therefore it is important to know which pet parrots can be the best.

What Is A Good Parrot for A Beginner?

There are over 350 species of parrots available
on the globe, and they come in all different shapes, sizes and vivid colors.

The most popular parrots to keep as pets are considered good beginner parrots because they are friendly towards humans.

Best Parrots For Beginners

  • Budgies
  • Cockatiel
  • Green-Cheeked Conures
  • Pacific Parrotlets
  • Quaker Parrots
  • Love Birds
  • Sun Conures
  • Pionus-Parrots
  • Senegal Parrots
  • White-Fronted Amazon Parrots

Budgies (Budgerigars)

  • Size: 7-8 inches
  • Weight: 1.1 to 1.4 ounces
  • Lifespan: 7-15 years
  • Cost: $20 to $40
pair of budgerigars

Budgerigar is first on our Best Parrots For Beginners. Budgerigar commonly known as budgies. In America, budgerigars are also known as parakeets. Budgies are a very popular parrot species as pets.

Budgerigars are a small parrot species that, due to their small size, make them easy for beginners to handle.

Budgies are social birds and should be treated with lots of attention as well as social interaction.

They are energetic birds that can be taught to perform tricks and can also be trained to imitate human speech well.

Budgies love to chirp, jump, and sing songs. On the other hand, their calls are a bit hoarse, not as clear as larger pet parrots.

Since budgies are other parrots. Many bird lovers bring home several budgies at once. This is perfect for their friendly personality and habit of living in flocks.

These birds are lively and very noisy, so a cheerful, healthy budgie will be constantly singing, talking and chirping.

A quiet budgie is almost certainly sick or feeling lonely, whether physically or mentally.

One thing to keep in mind while keeping budgies is that they can be quite aggressive towards other birds, even if they are bigger than them in size.

They will do their best to dominate other birds and it is a better option to keep them in a cage with only other budgies.


  • Size: 12-13 inches tall
  • Weight: 2.5-4.2 ounces
  • Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
  • Cost: $75 to $350

Cockatiels is second on our Best Parrots For Beginners. Cockatiels are lovely, laid-back birds, and one of everyone’s favourite pet birds. When they are alone they love to spend time with their owner, sitting on their shoulder or playing with toys.

Male cockatiels can talk clearly and enjoy singing, which is why the male Cockatiel is the best choice of pet bird for you.

But they always whistle as soon as the sun rises, chirp and talk continuously throughout the day.

Unlike the male, the female cockatiel is a very quiet bird so if you want to get a female who is generally quiet except for the occasional chirping sound during the day then the female cockatiel may be your first choice.

Green-Cheeked Conures

  • Size: 10 inches
  • Weight: 2-3 ounces
  • Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
  • Cost: $150 to $350
green cheeked conures

Green-cheeked conures, also known as Velcro birds, are third on our Best Parrots For Beginner. The cones are usually small to medium in size.

Green-cheeked conures are the smallest and are very quiet. Generally, green cheeks are very calm. If you didn’t know about them you wouldn’t even suspect they were in the room.

However, they can also be clingy and escape artists if they want to be let out of their cage.

As attractive as they are, green cheeks require a lot of attention daily to keep them healthy and happy.

They not only entertain but, they love to hang, turn upside down and play for hours. Green cheeks are intelligent birds that can be easily taught to do tricks.

They may also be able to talk with you if you spend time with them every day. But it is difficult to understand them because of their grave voice.

If you want a bird that loves being with you and wants to be with you all the time, the green cheek is a great choice. These birds are being nippy and beaky, so keep this in mind before they bite.

Some conures have been known to bite for no reason; While some other conures do not bite, they prefer to use their beaks for exploration.

Pacific Parrotlets

  • Size: 5 inches
  • Weight: 1 ounce
  • Lifespan: 15 to 20 Years
  • Cost: $250-$350

Pacific parrotlets are exceptionally brave, lively and fun-loving little birds.

These small parrots are known for their brightly coloured feathers, they are small in size.

If you spend time with them they can learn to speak with you with impressive vocabulary.

These parrots are beautiful little parrots, and they are not noisy and generally quiet, making them a good choice for living in apartment.

Pacific Parrotlets are extremely energetic but can become aggressive if left alone for long periods of time.

Don’t go by their size, their bite can be painful. These parrots are very lively and love to play.

To be happy, they need lots of toys and mental stimulation, and 3 to 4 hours of daily social interaction with their owners to raise them.

Quaker Parrots (Monk Parakeets)

  • Size: 11 inches
  • Weight: 3.5 ounces
  • Lifespan: 30 years
  • Cost: $400-$1500
quaker parrots

The Quaker parrot is a medium-sized parrot; If you can deal with their loud noises and territorial behavior this will be one of the best parrots for beginners.

Quakers are one of the best-talking birds, and they are loving and playful, in fact, they can bond with their owners.

Don’t let their beauty and talking ability fool you as they can become aggressive at times and can become one-man birds if not trained properly.

These birds require socialization and proper training to prevent their territorial behaviour on humans and the cage.

If you properly socialize and train your Quaker, you will have a wonderful family pet that you can enjoy for a lifetime.

Peach-Faced Lovebirds

  • Size: 6 inches
  • Weight: 1.6 to 2.2 ounces
  • Lifespan: 15-25 years
  • Cost: $50 to $200

Peach-faced lovebirds are beautiful brightly colored parrots. They are fine with beginner parrots but will require a lot more effort than other pet parrots.

Keeping them in pairs is the best way as they require a lot of attention and care. They are highly social birds that form close bonds with their owners and can be very sweet as a result.

If not given proper training and care from an early age, lovebirds can become territorial, aggressive, and jealous.

They are fun and energetic birds but require a lot of daily care to keep them tame and not develop aggressive behaviour.

It’s best to spend about 2 to 4 hours a day with your lovebird. Lovebirds who don’t get enough attention can become prone to loneliness and sadness, and susceptible to destructive behavior.

Sun Conures

  • Size: 12 inches
  • Weight: 4 ounces
  • Lifespan: 15 to 30 years
  • Cost: $200 to $800
sun conures

The Sun Conure is a brightly coloured bird that is very cute, friendly and sociable. They make great family pets but are very noisy.

He is known for it’s vivid plumage and loud voice. It is a wonderful family bird with whom its family members have no objection to spending time.

Pionus Parrots

  • Size: 10-13 inches
  • Weight: 8 to 9 ounces
  • Lifespan: 25 years
  • Cost: $500-$4,000

Pionus parrots are popular pets. However, some species are quite uncommon in captivity and difficult to find.

The most commonly kept species are the blue-headed, Maximilian and white-capped. Other species, such as the dusky and bronze-winged, have become more common due to captive breeding.

It is believed that Pionus prefer to live alone or prefer males over females. Since Pionas are the most expensive compared to other pet parrots, this should be taken into consideration when selecting a pet bird.

Although they are not known to be aggressive or loud birds, they are more known for being excellent family pets for the right home.

Although they can make loud noises, they are generally not that loud. Pionus parrots also have a scent that you will either love or hate.

Senegal Parrots

  • Size: 9 inches
  • Weight: 4 ounces
  • Lifespan: 50 years
  • Cost: $800-$1500

The Senegal parrot is the most popular parrot kept as a pet. People love handling Senegal and playing with them.

That’s why they are an ideal pet for people who want to have one-on-one interaction with a pet parrot.Senegals are naturally quiet parrots that do not like to be with family.

With this in mind, they may not be the best family birds but would be great for one person. Apartment dwellers may be happy to know that they don’t yell or talk much.

A Senegal parrot will happily perch on your shoulder while you watch TV, they just love being with their human. They can be a lot of fun when it’s playtime.

White-Fronted Amazon Parrots

  • Size: 9.5 to 10 inches
  • Weight: 6.5 to 8.5 ounces
  • Lifespan: 40+ years
  • Cost: $1,000 to $3,000
white fronted amazon parrots

White-fronted Amazon parrots are medium-sized parrots with high intelligence levels. It ranks last in our best parrots for beginners list.

They are talkative parrots who enjoy singing, and screaming is one of their favourite hobbies.

White-fronted Amazon parrots are the smallest of all the Amazon parrots that live in the Amazon forest.

White-fronted Amazon parrots are very friendly and very easy to keep.

They may still bite, so be careful and train the White-fronted Amazon well so they will change their behaviour. Their small size is suitable for beginners.

What To Expect When Owning A Parrot

Keeping parrots happy requires a lot of time and energy as they are a difficult, demanding and emotional species, making them complicated to keep.

They should be provided with a healthy diet and their cages should be cleaned regularly. Parrots always require a lot of mental stimulation to keep them healthy and happy.

They do dirt everywhere, so be prepared for cleaning and hygiene.

In addition, parrots require a large amount of space, toys and perches for entertainment, as well as a healthy diet that includes pellets, fruits, vegetables and fresh water daily.

Understanding Basic Care Of Parrots


Parrots always need a healthy diet which includes pellets, Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and fresh water should be included.


When parrots are happy or sad they should be able to express themselves naturally through noises. Parrots often make noises when they are content and happy, and this is a good thing. This means that they are comfortable and satisfied in their environment.


Each and every bird is different and their needs are different too. You need to understand when they are acting a certain way and why.

For example, when a bird is hormonal, it may become aggressive, be more difficult to handle, and may bite.

Grooming and Maintenance

Parrots require regular care such as nail trim, feather trim if you wish, and beak trim.

Parrots always required proper care to live a healthy and happy life.

As an owner, you need to include providing a healthy diet, cleaning their cages regularly and giving them lots of attention to keep them happy.

Needs and Supplies

Parrots need many things to thrive in captivity. The most important needs include a spacious cage, lots of toys, various perches, food and water bowls, a play area, and regular pellets and foods.


You have to make your house safe and suitable for birds to live.Parrots have very sensitive lungs, so it is important for you to know about bird safety before getting a pet parrot.

Additionally, it is a good idea to always keep a bird first aid kit handy in case of an emergency.


Parrots need to interact with their owners and the rest of the family at all times possible. This helps them learn the right way to talk and how to behave politely.

Long Life Span

Parrots are known for their long life spans in capative. For example the cockatoo which can live up to 70 years in captivity. its a very long time for any pet parrot.


Where to buy a parrot?

Parrots are available to sell in pet stores and breeding centres, and you can adopt them from rescue organizations. But to make sure you are getting a healthy bird, be sure to do your research before purchasing.

What is the easiest parrot to care for?

There is no parrot species that is “easy” to care for. All parrots needs time, effort, and dedication.

Which parrot is easiest to train?

Budgies are the easiest to train. They are smarter birds and they learn quickly.They are intelligent birds and respond well to positive reinforcement.


All the above birds are good beginner parrots, but the right pet bird for you depends on your own circumstances and mindset. If your parrot’s noise will bother neighbours and you have limited space, choose a smaller bird with a lower maximum decibel level.

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